Tuesday, October 27, 2009

So frustrated today.

I just feel so frustrated today. I just feel so unorganized, and I hate that feeling. I love to know exactly what I have to do ALL THE TIME! Everything is just not going right this week. It all started with my little fender bender last week. Then everything just went down hill. Hope fully..

this little rant/blog will put in all in perspective for me. So lets start and see what is exactly bothering me...

1) I feel so disorganized as of right.
I feel so am broke!
I haven't been satisfied with my work lately.

Solving problem #1:

What I have to do for classes.

All Classes: Process Book
Production 356: 1. Machine and presentation
Design 351: 1. Research, 2. Wall Design, 3. Edit Facebook Map,
4. Higgin Project, 5. Choice
Design 400: 1. Book, 2. Bitmap Typography, 3. Postcard, 4. Edit Resume, 5. Kerning

Order of importance
0. Process Book
1. Machine and presentation for Can's Class tomorrow.
2. Research and visual for library project
3. Postcard printing
4. Kerning
5. Book
6. Edit Resume
7. Bitmap Font
8. Edit facebook map
9. Higgin Project
10. Choice Project

What I have to do for my life.
Clean my laptop.
Clean my room.
Do laundry.

Solving #2:

Get a job ASAP.

Sovling #3:

Make better work!

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